Page 324, Fig. 288 caption. Dates for Sir Richard Williams Bulkeley should be 1862–1942, not 1862–42.


Pages 360–61, 1965 Members’ portrait. The numbering of the figures on the battlements is incorrect. This is the correct numbering.


Page 47, Fig. 30. The caption to this picture (Alarm Winning the King’s Cup, 27th August 1831 by William J. Huggins) is wrong. It should read, The Earl of Belfast’s ‘Louisa’ Wins a Race Off Cowes by William John Huggins, 1830.

I am grateful to Peter Andreae for pointing out that this painting was one of four commissioned from Huggins by the Earl of Belfast. A previous Curator of Pictures at the Squadron, Spencer Herapath, believed that the painting depicted Joseph Weld’s yacht Alarm winning the King’s Cup in 1831. This is improbable on two counts: (1) the painting is signed and dated 1830, and (2) Belfast would not have commissioned a work celebrating a victory by his arch-rival, Joseph Weld.


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