Team Racing is both challenging and immensely fun. On the weekend of 27th-28th April we are running a Coached Team Racing Weekend with the objective of increasing the participation and competitiveness of the teams that we field.
With twelve J70s we shall have 2 boat team racing with six teams. We plan to mix the more experienced team racers with those new to this incredibly fast moving, exhilarating form of racing.
We have experienced coaches and are being joined by the top team from the Royal Thames Yacht Club, so we shall be competing against the very best.
We will meet at 11am on Saturday in RYS Pavilion (timing to be compatible with catching the 8:35am for those coming from London). There will be a briefing and then onto the water. We plan to be off the water by 5pm ready to debrief and swap war stories with others.
At 7pm there will be an informal dinner, which we very much hope and expect will be a lively affair. Partners are welcome to join too.
Sunday will begin with breakfast at RYS Pavilion at 8:15am, followed by a briefing and onto the water to refine the skills learnt on Saturday.
We plan to wrap-up the event in time to catch the 3:35pm Redjet back to Southampton.
The weekend is great value. £160 includes boats, two packed lunches, dinner, and breakfast. Whilst we have some accommodation here at the RYS and overspill rooms booked at neighbouring Clubs this is currently now full - we are only able to accept bookings for those who have their own accommodation.
To register your interest, use the online form.
Attendee List as at 16.04.2024
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The RYS encourages everyone taking part in RYS sponsored events to conduct themselves in a manner in keeping with best practice for environmental and sustainability issues.
Additional information from the RYA can be found here.